Tuesday, December 2, 2008

After reading a forty page tenure in 17th Century English for hours last night, marking out important bits and figuring out what the implication of each word could be, I have discovered one thing. 

What Milton says in all these pages, backing up his argument with citations from Classical literature, the Bible and the works of political writers and the Divines, is actually summed up by Akshay Kumar in the movie Singh is Kinng. He says, "Asli king wohi hota hai jo apne liye nahin, doosron ke liye raj kare."

Milton says the same in the Tenure, mamu. What will ADG do if I quote Akshay Kumar in my end semester paper? I will, though.     



Elendil said...

Best of luck :P He likes a bit of cheek. I began an answer with a particularly gory passage of Tamburlaine in one exam and he gave me a 7. Though of course, he gives everyone 7.

the other side of... said...

reading the tenure is truly strenuous but it does hammer something in,
Governments should rule keeping the interests of the people in mind, maybe then terrorism would be history. Exams will come and go, incidents like those of mumbai will keep us scarred forever.
But, getting back 2 the tenure, milton was superb, but 19 pages of the tenure got me mind fucked.
As for the "cool" mr. Ray, ADG gives marks out of general love and generosity, not for innane writings or so called "creative writings".

Oshtorombha said...

Everybody gets at you , Prayag. Damn. At times I think its not fair. :D

But Ms. the other side of whatever, it is 'inane' and not 'innane'.

Also, I have no doubt about Milton being superb. But I think Akshay Kumar is superb, too. :)

mojo said...

did you??i think he will kiss you out of sheer joy, honestly,...and i also think you shall die afterwards...

Elendil said...

Thank you, Other side of whatever. *puts on TooCool sunglasses*

And yes, I can understand your thinking he gives marks out of generosity. If you can't spell inane, only generosity on his part will get you sevens in exams.

Ps: Nandita, I love getting my case taken, in case you haven't noticed :P I'm a sucker for punishment.

Arse Poetica said...

@Prayag, spelling is not everyone's forte, so bugger off and stop being such an idiot.

Oshtorombha said...

Prayag: Haha. Yes. And since now I know that it is Howlie, my buddy, I take all my words back. Ki moja ki moja.

Ahona: Ki moja bhab!! Now we can all bully Prayag. Even Howlie has joined the party!!!!


the other side of... said...

well well mr.ray...
i donot even want to tell you if i know the spelling of inane or not, or if it was a typing mistake.
put the too cool sunglasses on your eyes, mr. "COOL" man

nandita, ahona: hi five !!!! s**** k****!!!

Joychaser said...

this is hilarious. i wish i could get away with quoting akshay kumar instead of ohidunno, ms. spivak, for example.