Saturday, June 6, 2009

everybody has a digital camera. everybody has a computer. everybody has picasa 3. so everybody will edit pictures wihtout knowing head or tail about things. picasa has turned photography into a sad little joke. I hate picasa. Photoshop is better. Yes, because it is more complicated and most people don't know how to use it. I am an elitist. an awful one who wants some things to be only for certain kind of people. ok? this is an argh moment. 

just now, I have seen stupid pictures, warmified, film grained, sepia-ed and hue changed. overdone. also, people go oohs and aahs over such pictures. aarrgghh. 

also, I want a holiday. everyone else has a holiday. I fuckin' don't. aaarrrggghhh. 

I need a good solid dvd ripper. One more external hard disk. I must keep a back-up of the geebees. But now, I think, I have TOO MUCH stuff. And with magpie tendencies, it is difficult to hit Shift+Del. aaaarrrrgggghhhh. 

I really want some good decent folks to get through to the department this time. please? I find this bunch sadder than ever. aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh. 

Facebook is the new Orkut. with random people sending friend requests. aaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh. 

I never wanted to be a malcontent. 
so fuck. 


Anonymous said...


Elendil said...

I know some nice people who are coming into the department. Also, just try to save up and buy an external hard drive. I have one which is 160 gbs. That's more space than you'll ever need. And it's about 3 grand. Which is value for money at the end of the day. If you have a space crunch and need to store some stuff I offer my hard drive space to you. Just come over to my place and copy your stuff on to it. That way I can see lots of new movies too. I also have about 4 gbs of porn if you're interested! Also, holidays are not always what they're cut out to be. I for one am getting quite bored here in Bombay.

Oshtorombha said...

@ bhooter raja: :P

@ elendil: I hope nice people come. Also, I have an external hard drive. 80gb. need one more, yes. Thankee much.

Reeti said...

I have too much stuff on my computer too :( and it's on the brink of crashing. Lovely post! I couldn't agree with you more :)